As part of the redevelopment of SBG’s Tanglin Core, this project sought to revitalize the gardens through an artful combination of plants, water, hardscapes and textures. New site improvements include a large display of hand carved mural walls artistically designed to replicate the elements of nature, a simulated rubble-stone embankment wall, along with walls adorned with vertical greenery and Singapore’s first green roof at the welcome pavilion. Pathways were renovated to feature boardwalks built of precast simulated timber, adding character to the landscape while incorporating a measure of sustainability by eliminating the need to use natural wood and providing resistance to problems like rot, termites and shrinkage.
The works also included the creation of a 200 meter long stream, that is lined by a constructed earth embankment and simulated rock work. The stream is designed to aid in rainwater harvesting and is both biologically treated and provided with a mechanical desludge system to save on labor cost. The installation of the M&E system was a true engineering feat considering the great challenges posed by the need to preserve the various rare and heritage trees in the surroundings – a testament to the sensitivity and awareness that landscape specialists have towards their immediate environment.
To conserve water resources, an independent pumping system was installed to deliver biologically treated effluent pond water from an existing lake to storage tanks catered for landscape irrigation and the water features. A wide variety of plant species were carefully curated for their ability to thrive with minimal human intervention.
LIAS Award of Excellence 2006 (Silver); Category - Turnkey Projects
LIAS Award of Excellence 2006 (Silver); Category - Implementation,
Commercial, Industrial, Recreational & Institutional